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Job analysis and principles of job analysis involve understanding and presenting job information in an easily understandable format. There are four fundamental principles for job analysis. One principle is the job, not people principle concerned with the job. In the job not, people principle the present jobholder is only involved because he/she usually knows most about it. The analysis not lists principle explanation points out one purpose of job analysis, which is the job description. The facts, not judgment principle, states the role of the facilitator is not to make judgments about the job. The principle further adds that the facilitator’s role is instead to communicate factual information as clearly as possible. In the last principle, the aim is capturing the job as it is at a particular point in time. Job analysis and principles of job analysis are, therefore, a broad concept.

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Job Analysis data gets used for a variety of purposes. The purposes are mainly three, which are, job description, job specification, and job evaluation. Therefore, job specification details skills and abilities relevant to a job, including education, experience, specialized training, and manual dexterity required. Job descriptions describe the duties, responsibilities, working conditions, and activities of a particular job. Additionally,  Job description as a purpose of job analysis varies in terms of the level of details provided. One valuable source for locating standardized job descriptions is the Dictionary of Occupational titles, Published by the US labor department. Also, managers can adapt the standardized job descriptions from the DOT to the specific jobs within their firms. Lastly, the job evaluation system is the last purpose. Notably, some of the job analysis principles interrelate with job analysis and principles of job analysis.


Job analysis information gathering is in a variety of ways. One consideration is who is to conduct the job analysis. Most frequently, a member of the HR staff coordinates this effort. Standard methods are observations, interviews, questionnaires, and specialized methods of analysis. There is the frequent use of Combinations of these approaches frequently, depending on the situation and the organization. Additionally, some of the sources are similar to the purpose of job analysis. In the observation method, therefore, a manager or job analyst observes the individual performing the job and takes notes. The interview method requires that a manager visit each job site and talk with the employees performing each task. The questionnaire method for gathering data on jobs is in place. A survey instrument is developed and given to employees and managers to complete. In general, job analysis and principles of job analysis are significant for managers today.

For more information on the role of data analysis methods in the purpose of job analysis, visit

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