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Femicides in Mexico is high in the deadliest Mexican states. The first quarter of 2019 was the most violent and fatal for Mexican women in the country. According to numbers released by SESNSP, a woman was murdered every two hours and a half in Mexico. Nevertheless, the increase in gender violence has reached alarming numbers in previous years. Mexican researcher Lourdes attributes the rise of violence against women in Mexico to impunity. According to the researcher, the problem of impunity is that the world views those murdered as deserving. According to femicides statistics, the deadliest states include Jalisco, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Chihuahua, Guerero, Mexico City, amongst others. The alleged murders are by fathers, brothers, stepfathers, uncles, cousins, and mostly boyfriends. Femicides in Mexico and the deadliest Mexican states is an issue that needs urgent addressing.

For more information on femicides in Mexico and the deadliest Mexican states, visit


Femicides in Mexico continue despite comprehensive laws in the book due to prevailing impunity, and lack of effective implementation. One such victim of the current situation in Mexico is Mariana Lima. According to her mother, Mariana had decided to leave her abusive husband by legal means but never returned home. The concealment of evidence by Mariana’s husband outlines the current state of the violence against women in Mexico. The Latin American Model Protocol finally launched in 2014, after years of advocacy by the UN Women. The protocol is a tool for the police, forensic doctors, and other justice sector officials to investigate femicide properly. The association has seen Mariana’s other attain justice for her daughter. Femicides in Mexico and the deadliest Mexican states can finally see some judgment coming their way.

For more information on the long road to justice for violence against women in Mexico, click


Violence against women in Mexico and femicides is a scourge of humanity and a social problem that awaits solutions. Russell uses the term femicide in the first International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women in Brussels. The term then quickly disseminated among feminists and sociologists working in the field of violence. Femicide is defined as the voluntary homicide of a woman because she is a woman. The definition explains the Femicides in Mexico, which are mostly done by the opposite gender. The Academic Council of the UN System has described femicide as a global issue that demands urgent public action. Additionally, Global prevalence studies show the proportion of murdered women who are killed by a partner is much higher. Femicides in Mexico and the deadliest Mexican states issue, therefore, needs international addressing.

For more information on International perspectives of femicide in Mexico, click

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