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The essay will discuss the ITEC625future of embedded systems and the various trends in embedded systems. Notably, the embedded systems have been on a long journey to reach where they are since their inception. Embedded systems in smart banking to smart clothing have represented the tremendous growth in technology over the years. Devices communicate in unimaginable ways, thanks to advancements in networking, electronics, and wireless communication. Importantly, the future of embedded systems lies in the development of technology that allows for faster communication. Moreover, its future depends on advancement in heavy data capacities and high interwoven connections among devices.

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Embedded technologies are essential in coping with challenges such as climate protection and demographic development. Moreover, they contribute to important innovations for the industrial sectors. Computers continue to disappear and are still omnipresent in our daily lives. Microelectronics’ advancement means that intelligent functions get implemented decentralized manner in areas that they are in demand. Firstly, these embedded systems operate with a high degree of autonomy. The functionalities of the embedded systems utilize artificial intelligence and pattern recognition algorithms. Moreover, embedded systems use a cloud system for data processing and edge computing. The future of embedded systems will look to advance on the current trends in embedded systems.


There are several emerging trends in embedded systems that are a result of increased advances in technology. Importantly, the invention of microcontrollers led to the birth of the embedded systems industry. Embedded systems have evolved from conducting machine control applications to new applications in the communication sector. Mainly, classes of embedded systems include not only home media systems but also smartphones, and portable players. Embedded systems are more than just electronics as people like to view them. Examples of emerging trends include improvements in gaming consoles and smartphones being multicore. The essay will help in highlighting the future of embedded systems and trends in embedded systems.

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