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The essay will discuss globalization going too far or whether people fell behind and how globalization went bad. Notably, globalization is a trendy term that is making a comeback in today’s world. The covid-19 pandemic has shown how volatile the globalization concept is in terms of connectivity and interdependence. The pandemic has mainly led to lockdowns and international travel limitations, showing that globalization had gone too far. There is a need to rethink production processes, especially with the pandemic’s impact on the global supply chain. The article helps in analyzing instances of globalization going too far and how globalization went bad. 
For more information on globalization going too far, click
Dani Rodrik tries to create space in the debate over globalization for a rational middle. Mainly, his argument builds on Karl Polanyi’s argument found in The Great Transformation. Karl argued that the developing market economy destroyed the web of social relationships that held humans together. Polanyi’s argument is easy to disagree with, but one aspect remains hard to dismiss. The distribution of economic welfare produced by the market economy doesn’t fit anyone’s conception of the best. Thus, the government has a powerful place when it comes to managing the market. The article highlights arguments for globalization going too far and how globalization went bad.
For more information on globalization going too far and the debate over globalization, click
There are various reasons as to how globalization went bad as the world has become a bad place. Notably, the cases of terrorism have increased and cases of nuclear proliferation over the past decades. Since the end of the cold war, the world’s future looked bright, but that was not to be. Significantly, globalization has a dark side as drugs and infectious diseases reach different corners of the world. The US benefits greatly from globalization and continues to push for free markets. Importantly, managing the dark side of globalization is the greatest challenge of geopolitics. Evidence of globalization going too far and how globalization went bad to exist in today’s global vices such as terrorism.
For more information on how globalization went bad and developments in the world, click

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