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The essay will focus on eating disorders in children and the causes of eating disorders. An eating disorder involves an extremely persistent habit of irregular eating and gets associated with severe distress. That is despite an individual being aware of their body weight and shape. Mainly, it involves both excessive and inadequate intake of food. Eating disorders are common in children and inhibit their growth. The effects of eating disorders include malnutrition, stunted growth, and deficient body weight. Moreover, long term effects may include heart diseases and bone diseases. Eating disorders in children are a result of unknown causes of eating disorders and can cause serious effects.

For more information on eating disorders in children, click


The causes of eating disorders remain a mystery to doctors. However, they suspect a combination of biological, behavioral, and social factors. For example, young people get influenced by the media, which favors slim body types. Notably, many children and adolescents show symptoms such as distress, feeling helpless, and low self-esteem. To cope with the symptoms, children and adolescents may begin harmful eating habits. Mainly, psychiatric problems such as anxiety disorders and depression will affect the two age sets. Eating disorders lead to a host of many dangers that may end in death. The article will help in understanding eating disorders in children and the causes of eating disorders.

For more information on the causes of eating disorders and dangers of eating disorders, click


Researchers are exploring questions on the prevention of eating disorders and guidelines for effective treatment. Importantly, awareness increases the chances of early detection and intervention for eating disorders. Thus, the symptoms will be less severe, and the child’s growth and development will get enhanced. Moreover, the child’s quality of life will improve immensely. Parents can encourage healthy eating habits and develop realistic attitudes toward weight in their children. Significantly, parents need to avoid rewarding their children with food and provide food in appropriate portion sizes. Furthermore, parents should stress the importance of fitness and health over thinness. Prevention of eating disorders in children requires an understanding of the causes of eating disorders.


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