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The essay will discuss the middle-range nursing theory and the health promotion model by Nola Pender. The middle range theory provides a strong foundation for handling complex situations and gets described phenomenon. Mainly, the middle range theory provides less abstract and greater empirical testing than the grand nursing theory. Moreover, the theory provides the perspectives that train nurses to handle emergency and complex situations and nursing interventions. The theory works best in situations where explanations and implementations are important in nursing practice. Primarily, the middle range nursing theory expands the phenomenon related to patient health care. The article will highlight the middle-range nursing theory and health promotion model in nursing practice.

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Nola Pender designed the health promotion model as a complementary counterpart to models of health protection. Primarily, the model defines health as a positive dynamic state rather than simply the absence of disease. Health promotion directs to improving a patient’s well-being level. Besides, the model describes persons’ multidimensional nature as they interact within an environment to pursue health. The model focuses on individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-specific cognitions and affect, and behavioral outcomes. Moreover, the assumptions of the model include individuals seeking to regulate their behavior actively. The Middle range nursing theory and health promotion model are essential in creating and maintain an effective healthcare system.

For more information on the health promotion model and its assumptions, click


Mainly, the middle range nursing theories contain a narrow scope compared to grand theories. This can get attributed to its focus on specific nursing phenomena and its limited conceptual framework. However, the middle-range nursing theory application provides a wide range of clinical settings. For example, Madeline Leininger’s transcultural nursing theory applies to culturally sensitive care in diverse patient populations. Primarily, situation-specific theories have a narrow scope and address a defined nursing field and a specific clinical condition. Examples of the specific theories include the theory of barriers and facilitators and Meleis Theory of care transition. In conclusion, the article will help in understanding the middle-range nursing theory and the health promotion theory.

For more information on the middle-range nursing theory and application, click

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