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An introduction to supertasters helps in identifying their diet and the cancer risk in Supertasters. Supertasters are a subgroup of individuals who are genetically programmed with a bitter receptor gene. Mainly when testing the supertaster status, a patient reports intense bitterness. Specifically, this is due to the chemical propylthiouracil (PROP) and phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Superstars have a genetic program which makes them react to bitter taste and find foods that object bitterness. Moreover, supertasters are sensitive to fats and sweet foods and tend to avoid such foods. The essay provides an introduction to supertasters and the cancer risk in Supertasters as a result of their diet.

introduction to supertasters


The diet of supertasters proves to be a source of cancer risk in Supertasters. Mainly, people with genes that give them a super-sharp sense of taste are susceptible to colon cancer. Supertasters have a huge number of taste buds which gives them a neon taste world. Therefore, the bitter taste in vegetables become more intense for tasters leading to low consumptions. Notably, this puts them at great risk of certain cancers which the bitter compounds can protect against. However, supertasters find fatty and sugary foods less palatable that non-tasters and are thus slimmer. Lastly, the introduction to supertasters and their diet helps in highlighting the cancer risk in Supertasters.

cancer risk in Supertasters and diet of supertasters


Bitter-taste sensitivity gets associated with increased cancer risk in Supertasters as seen with research among older British women. The research examined the relationship between the ability to taste PTC and bitter taste receptor genetic differences. Moreover, it looked at the risk of cancer in a subset of the UK women’s cohort study. Researchers analyzed the food intake of women through a questionnaire administered at the beginning of the cohort. Notably, the research failed to find any correlation between bitter-taste sensitivity and vegetable intake. Thus, an introduction to supertasters and cancer risk in Supertasters highlights how supertasters’ genetics contribute to cancer risks.

 bitter-taste sensitivity and cancer risk in Supertasters

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