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This dissertation examines the holistic nursing practice and environmental sustainability perspectives for healthcare professionals. Issues regarding environmental sustainability in healthcare are complex and critical. Currently, hospitals generate huge amounts of greenhouse gases. Additionally, they generate solid, biohazardous, and hazardous waste in close proximity to other people. In managing wastes, hospitals must also protect exposed persons. Thus, protecting the lives of people around healthcare institutions falls under ethical nursing responsibilities. Nowadays, nurses are in an even better position to influence positive environmental sustainability outcomes. They serve on hospital boards and committees that directly affect greening initiatives. Lastly, holistic nursing practices involve integrating ecological health issues into nursing through practice, research, education, and advocacy.
holistic nursing practice and environmental sustainability perspectives


Environmental sustainability perspectives in healthcare involve some psychological barriers. There are some myths that deter hospital staff from implementing green initiatives. Some hospital staff believe that it is the responsibility of architects to build healthy buildings. Others argue that healthy buildings are expensive to construct. Thus, by implementing holistic nursing practices, healthcare institutions can eliminate these psychological barriers. It is, therefore, crucial for nurses and other medical professionals to avoid denial, groupthink, ignorance, and diffusion of responsibility. They should adopt ethical nursing responsibilities and avoid procrastination. Education is the key to promoting environmental sustainability in healthcare. Thus, nurses should learn about the overconsumption of energy and natural resources in healthcare facilities.
environmental sustainability perspectives and psychological issues


Accountability in nursing requires the understanding of environmental sustainability perspectives and implementing the necessary measures to achieve sustainability. Managing the environment promotes positive life processes, which is the core of nursing practice. In addition, the ethical nursing responsibilities should always compel them to do what is right for the environment and all people. However, there are many barriers to the acceptance of ethical duties in nursing. Nurses and medical institutions must work on framing environmental efforts as an ethical responsibility. Adopting holistic nursing practices and approaches in healthcare is the right step towards achieving environmental sustainability. In the Precautionary Approach, there is an ethical imperative to prevent rather than address elements that harm the environment.
accountability and ethical nursing responsibilities

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