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The essay will discuss intercultural non-verbal communication, intercultural conflict resolution, and uncertainty in intercultural communication. Notably, the development of globalization has led to increased contact between people from different cultural backgrounds. However, many people pay little attention to the language while neglecting non-verbal communications. Moreover, there is the neglect of time and space, which are critical to effective communication. People need to be culturally aware as this will improve communication and reduce the negative transfer effect of communication.  Significantly, paying attention to non-verbal communication will enhance intercultural communication. The essay will help in understanding intercultural non-verbal communication and methods of intercultural conflict resolution.

intercultural non-verbal communication and intercultural conflict resolution


Identifying the sources of intercultural conflicts is essential in choosing the best method for intercultural conflict resolution. Mainly, cultural conflict contains three dimensions, which include content, relational a clash of cultural values. The clash of cultural values is the foundation of conflict as it determines an individual’s identity. Notably, cultural conflict gets identified through various signs such as complicated dynamics and arousal of strong emotions. Resolving intercultural conflicts starts with identifying if there are cultural issues involved. Primarily, there are three ways of resolving intercultural conflicts, and the first is by probing the cultural dimension. Therefore, the essay will highlight intercultural non-verbal communication and steps in intercultural conflict resolution.

 intercultural conflict resolution and intercultural conflict sources


Uncertainty in intercultural communication is an element that arises in most intercultural relations. Mainly, some cultures accept and welcome change and uncertainty, while others get uncomfortable over them. A culture that highly tolerates uncertainty may willingly accept the risk and break the rules for pragmatic reasons. However, a culture with a low tolerance for uncertainty may favor stability, thus showing a tendency to avoid risks. Notably, some cultures favor change while others avoid it and favor change. The best way to deal with intercultural relations is by encouraging the value of both perspectives. Lastly, intercultural non-verbal communication and intercultural conflict resolution are important aspects of intercultural relations

uncertainty in intercultural communication and intercultural conflict resolution

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