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The essay will discuss the criteria for panic disorder diagnosis and available panic disorder treatment options. Notably, not every individual with panic attacks has a panic disorder. Mainly, one has to show some points listed by the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. A person has to have faced another month of worry about another possible panic attack after suffering one. Moreover, one should not be using drugs or have any mental disease to get diagnosed with panic disorder. Therefore, refusing to treat panic attacks can lead to the development of panic attacks. Lastly, panic disorder diagnosis and panic disorder treatment are only efficient if panic attacks get treated early.

 panic disorder diagnosis and panic disorder treatment


Several panic disorder treatment options can help patients recover from excessive panic attacks. Importantly, research shows that people with panic disorder can effectively get treated through a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Also, many medicines have proven to be effective and safe in treating panic disorder. Medications for panic disorder fall into two categories, which include antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Mainly, medicines help in lessening the severity of panic attacks and reducing common feelings of anxiety. Additionally, patients need to strictly follow the medical recommendations of their therapists to reduce panic attacks. Hence, a complete and early panic disorder diagnosis can increase the efficiency of the prescribed panic disorder treatment.

panic disorder treatment and panic medications


A panic disorder treatment plan is essential in ensuring a patient recover from a severe episode of panic attacks.  Primarily, a panic attack is a chronic and debilitating psychiatric illness that affects about 5% of the USA population. Panic attacks get associated with poor quality of life and a moderately severe functional impairment. Mainly, panic attacks have other psychiatric diagnoses such as substance use disorder, anxiety, and mood disorder. Panic disorder has an association with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and frequent need for medical attention. Thus, the essay will help in understanding panic disorder diagnosis and panic disorder treatment options for patients.

 panic disorder treatment plan and panic disorder diagnosis,

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