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The concept of human resource management and the functions of human resource are crucial elements in an organization. Human resource department majorly determines the performance of the organizations. They deal with organizing and controlling the employees. Recognition of the department has immensely grown over the years. All organizations require a human resource department. Despite, small companies having minimal personnel, it is still essential for them. This is because they require monitoring of the business’s health. Issues in staff usually affect all organizations, not discriminating big or small ones. There exist various theories and principles of human resource management. Marlow’s hierarchy is an example of such arguments. Employee performance appraisal is an essential aspect of human resource for improving productivity.
human resource management and functions of human resource


Achieving the functions of human resource is essential to plan for their processes. In undertaking any task, it is necessary to set objectives for achievement. These objectives give a clear direction in carrying out activities. Therefore, the objective setting is vital for human resource management. The first step is the analysis of an organization’s objectives. Secondly, the recording of current human resources available. Thirdly, estimating the demand and supply for human resources. Fourthly, estimating workforce gaps for creating an estimate during the recruiting process. Additionally, drafting the final human resource plan. Lastly, reviewing the plan and inputting feedback. Continuous employee performance appraisal is also crucial for the planning process. To determine individuals requiring replacement and one’s requiring promotion.
 steps in the human resource planning process


Human resource management is a broad discipline covering several topics. A well-functioning department efficiently manages the critical resources of a company. As a result, it provides the organization with the ability to meet business needs. There are several functions of human resource, including the following. The first function is undertaking the recruitment process. It ensures the right person is in the right job. Secondly, creating and maintaining a conducive working environment for employees.  Thirdly, strengthening employer-employee relations by facilitating conflict solving process. Fourthly, remuneration which is paying of salaries and benefits and salaries.  Additionally, conducting employee performance appraisals in ensuring continuous workforce productivity. Moreover, organizing training programs and developing employee skills.
main functions of human resource management

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