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This research paper analyses types of steroids and the health effects of steroids. Steroids are legal if the acquisition is on a prescription basis. In the United States, anabolic steroids are illegal without a prescription. Classification is two categories, oral and injectable. Legal steroids have positive medical uses.  Doctors prescribe dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) for the balancing of testosterone levels. Moreover, some aid in the manufacturing of food supplements. Reports on misuse if steroids are mostly in athletics. Illegal importation is done from illegal labs. There exist certain “designer steroids” not easily detectable even by testing. Reported use of steroids in sports leads to immediate disqualification.
types of steroids and effects of steroids


This section analyses the misuse of steroids in sports. Sports are very competitive and engaging activities. Achieving excellence requires the right state of mind and a lot of practice hours. Excelling is admirable and holds many benefits, such as winning a trophy, recognition, money, and scholarships. Based on these good outcomes, some strive to win at any given cost. As a result, they opt for use on drugs to boost their strength. People use drugs despite the health effects of steroids. Anabolic steroids are prescription drugs that people use in high doses, thus boosting their performance in sports. It is commonly used in the types of steroids, especially athletics.
steroids use in sports and the effects of steroids


There are several health effects of steroids on users. Prescription of anabolic steroids is for hormonal treatments such as delayed puberty. Moreover, the replacement of lost muscles from chronic diseases such as cancer and AIDS. The misuse of steroids is more common in men than in women. Reports reveal that sue of steroids is minimal in teens and common between ages 20 and 30. Common modes of use include the following.  Slowly increasing dose, combining different types of steroids, and substituting different types over time. Prolonged use of steroids leads to the following health effects. On the brain, it results in Paranoia, increased rage, delusions, and impaired judgment. On other organs, it leads to kidney failure, liver damage, and an enlarged heart.
 health effects of prolonged use of steroid

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