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This paper analyzes human resource management and effective personnel management. Management of personnel is the management of people with the focus of adherence to the rules and policies of an organization. On the contrary, human resource is the modern approach of management of people that focuses on development, utilization, acquisition, and maintenance. Moreover, it puts together their strengths and energy with human competence. Also, it ensures the appropriate quantity and quality of human resources. Both the management of personnel and human resource management involves planning, recruitment, and selection, socializing, job analysis, training, compensation management, and performance appraisal.
human resource management and management of personnel


Primarily, efficient human resource management meets an organization’s needs by the effective management of people. Additionally, it helps in recruiting the right people for the job. It also provides a safe workplace environment for the employees. It ensures that the organization complies with the employment and labor laws that should align with the policies of an organization. This enables easy effective personnel management. Furthermore, it also ensures that new employees receive an extensive orientation to help in transitioning to the organization. Human resource management also extends to the training of leaders and their professional development. Besides, it carries out career guidance, planning, and development for their employees. Also, it provides employees with opportunities to grow through monetary rewarding.
 functions of human resource management


Fundamentally, effective personnel management maintains high morale among their employees through the securing of human relations. Moreover, aligns the individual goals to those of the organization. This not only promotes a sense of commitment but also loyalty. Also, it offers opportunities to advance employees through education and training. This promotes human resource management significantly. Additionally, it ensures respect for individuals by providing welfare facilities and other services in the policies of an organization. Effective personnel management satisfies the needs of employees by offering monetary and non-monetary reward systems.
 benefits of effective personnel management

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