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This research paper looks into the history of capitalism and business in the 19th century. Many people refer to it as the first age of globalization. Factors that led to it include institutionalized capital flows, mass migration, expanded trade-in products, vast wealth and social disruption. However, the same factors crumbled the 19th-century world economy and led to the first world war. Globalization in the 19th century resulted in extensive urbanization, unhealthy crowding and increased mortality. There was progress in medicine, and innovation led to the creation of new products, which enhanced customer satisfaction. The competition was intense and formed an essential aspect in the history of capitalism.
history of capitalism and business in the 19th century


Many economists developed policies for business in the 19th century. They concerned themselves with the transformation brought by the industrial revolution. The transformation brought about rural depopulation, precariousness, poverty, and the apparition of a working class. Karl Marx provided useful insight into political theory and criticism of the history of capitalism. Capitalism allowed a few individuals to own vast wealth and make decisions that largely affected huge populations. During the Progressive Era, a severe depression crashed the 19th-century world economy and caused changes in fiscal policy. This included the imposition of federal income taxes on businesses and individuals and the creation of the Federal Reserve System.
 policy in the 19th-century world economy


Business in the 19th century grew due to a series of related factors. There was a shift from water-powered to coal-powered factories. This freed manufacturer and allowed them to locate their plants nearer to markets and suppliers. The growth of the 19th-century world economy led to transportation improvements. This meant that companies could distribute their products to regional and national markets. The development of new financial institutions was a crucial aspect of the history of capitalism. Institutions like the stock market, commercial banks, and investment houses increased the availability of investment capital. Competition led to efforts to create financial stability by forming pools and cartels. These were agreements among competitors to divide markets and forbid price cutting.
growth of business in the 19th century

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