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In the AMST2701 history of feminism, there is always conflict in the various waves of feminism. The second-wave feminists seem to conflict with third-wave feminists. The second wave focused more on addressing the failures of the first wave. Nowadays, experts in the area categorize the subject into different kinds of feminism. Feminism is reaching a level of cultural relevance not seen in previous years. However, many people find the concepts of feminism confusing. People began talking about feminism as a series of waves in 1968. It was during the second wave of feminism, that still coexists with the third wave. It focused on equality and ending the discrimination of women.
AMST2701  history of feminism and conflict in the waves of feminism


Some of the kinds of feminism are liberal, radical, cultural feminism, eco-feminism, and the Marxist and socialist feminism. Liberal feminism works within the structure of mainstream society to integrate women into that structure. It borrows from the social contract theory of government before the first wave of feminism, instituted by the American Revolution. Radical feminism is somewhat a foundation for the different kinds of feminism except for cultural feminism. Marxism recognizes the oppression of women and attributes the oppression to the capitalist system. In the history of feminism, many women are always against capitalism. Thus, a good example is a fight led by women against the Trump administration. Lastly, cultural feminism was a replacement of radical feminism.
 waves and the different kinds of feminism


Feminists and scholars divided the history of feminism into waves. The first wave aimed at fighting for women’s right to vote. It occurred during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, it first focused on promoting equal contract and property rights for women and the opposition to ownership of married women. The second wave of feminism occurred from the early 60s to the late 80s, it also continued to exist to the third wave. It fought for equality and ending discrimination. It also encouraged women to view aspects of their lives as politicization, thus promoting diversity into different kinds of feminism. Third-wave feminism faces a lot of criticism due to debates regarding differences among feminists and the sexes.
theory and history of feminism
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