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This essay discusses the goals of psychoanalytic therapy and psychoanalytic therapy techniques. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, believed that people could gain sight by making their unconscious thoughts and motivations conscious. The primary goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences by experiencing ”healing.” Psychoanalytic psychologists use various techniques to determine people’s repressed emotions and other problems. People with such issues may have unresolved problems and trauma during childhood. The treatment approaches to psychotherapy focus on bringing the unconscious conflicts to the conscious level to deal with them. Most analysts adopt contemporary approaches to psychotherapy like that brief, time-limited psychoanalysis, and more interactive therapeutic relationships.
goals of psychoanalytic therapy and psychoanalytic therapy techniques


There are many critiques of modern and traditional approaches to psychotherapy. Freud’sFreud’s development of psychoanalysis formed the foundation for numerous forms of psychotherapy. Many psychotherapists still use some of his concepts. However, some claim that Freud’sFreud’s goals of psychoanalytic therapy were narrow and only focused on innate biological drives. They argue that other motivating forces, such as free will and the environment, play a significant role in human behavior. Traditional psychoanalysis is also more intensive and consumes even more time and money. Traditional psychoanalytic therapy techniques are also changing. Professionals are forming beneficial therapeutic relationships with patients that enhance their chances of recovery.
 the criticism of psychoanalysis


Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic approaches to psychotherapy focus on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. These approaches work by helping patients discover their unconscious meanings and motivations. They also involve close working relationships between therapists and patients to achieve the ultimate goal of psychoanalytic therapy. Patients learn about themselves by exploring their interactions in the therapeutic relationship. The behavior approach to psychotherapy focuses on the role of learning in developing standard and abnormal behaviors. Ivan Pavlov contributed another psychoanalytic therapy technique named classical conditioning. For example, a therapist can help a client with a phobia through repeated exposure to whatever causes the phobia.
 the different approaches to psychotherapy

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