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Nowadays, many people have great concerns about the rate of human population growth, global warming, and the causes of climate change. Overpopulation increases the amount of carbon emissions by individuals. Various preventive measures such as driving high-mileage vehicles, recycling, using energy-efficient appliances, and light bulbs are still not enough to counter the high carbon emission levels. In the near future, the impact of overpopulation on climate change and global warming may be irreversible. Overpopulation results in overconsumption of resources, and the results amplify with time. Human actions such as deforestation result in global warming. The consequential effects of global warming are harmful and threaten the entire human population.
 human population growth, global warming, and climate change


The impact of overpopulation on climate change is massive. The links between the two problems are undeniable. Reducing the rate of population growth is crucial to bringing global warming under control. However, many governments and international corporations are reluctant to address the issue of overpopulation and related effects of global warming. We need to take action to address overpopulation to conserve the environment and ensure the survival of the human race. We should also work on preserving natural resources to curb the causes of climate change. This, therefore,  includes conserving rivers and water catchment areas and sensitizing the public on the importance of preserving nature.
 overpopulation in the era of climate change


The quality of environmental resources is declining as a result of the effects of global warming. Overpopulation only ‘adds insult to injury.’ Overpopulation results in the need for more food, thus more intensive farming and deforestation to clear more land for farming. Agriculture accounts for about 80% of world deforestation, making it one of the greatest causes of climate change. With the problem of overpopulation, farmers are becoming more reliant on mechanization, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers. There is a high correlation between these activities and other problems such as soil erosion. The impact of overpopulation becomes even bigger because, with deforestation, there is less oxygen from and more carbon emissions from humans.
 environmental impacts of overpopulation

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