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This dissertation examines first-generation college students and school dropout factors for such students. First-generation college students are students that are the first to attend college among the immediate family. Sending children to college as the first generation creates hope for future upcoming generations. This is because younger ones look up to their elder ones and wish to follow in their steps. Consequently, incomes from once they secure jobs to aid in supporting the families they descend from. There exist reasons that derail individuals from attending college. They include the inability to afford expenses and cultural factors. As a result, governments across the world avail resources for supporting first generation students. Additionally, developing prevention strategies for first-generation students’ dropouts is equally essential.

Read more on first-generation college students and school dropout factors at


First-generation college students are at a higher risk of dropping. 43% of first-generation students’ dropout, whereas approximately 20% of non-first generation students leave without a degree.  There are several pieces of research addressing the risk factors for these dropouts. The increased dropout rates threaten scholars’ potential to incorporate valuable knowledge globally by not completing their education. School dropout factors include the following. Financial inability to sustain education is the major factor leading to dropout. These students lack the financial resources to supplement their educational needs, hence having no option but to drop out. Additionally, lack of confidence, preparation for college, and family role model to look up to are other factors. Therefore, the implementation of prevention strategies for first generation student dropouts is crucial.

Read more on understanding the school dropout factors at


First-generation college students may sometimes hail from low-income families. Therefore, this might be the reason for the immediate family not attending college. In other cases, the families are either middle or higher-income earners, although they lack a college attending history. Such is not as a result of financial challenges but other reasons. First-generation students may drop out due to various reasons evident in the previous section. The prevention strategies for first-generation student dropouts include the following. Firstly, identifying first-generation students on time for the effective facilitation of the college preparation process early enough.  Secondly, extending the scope of counseling such students, such as exploring their talents, is essential. Additionally, providing financial aid and application packages is equally crucial.

Read more on the prevention strategies for first-generation students dropouts at

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