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This research paper examines the theories of intelligence and major personality dimensions. There are still several gaps for further research on the subject of intelligence theories. The grouping of the theories of intelligence is in four categories. Psychometric theories entail studying different individual performances on behavioral tests. Secondly, cognitive theories derive from the analysis of the process in the intelligent performance of an individual’s example workability of the memory. Thirdly, cognitive-contextual theories focus on processes demonstrating intelligence in a specific context. An example of a context of studying cognitive-contextual theory is the cultural context. Lastly, biological theories examine the relationship between intelligence, the brain, and its various functions. This paper also examines the relationship between intelligence and personality.

Read more on the theories of intelligence and major personality dimensions at


Various trait theories of personality tend to explain the varying personality traits. Examples of such include Gordon Allport’s theory that lists 4,000 personality traits and Hans Eysenck’s three-factor theory. Additionally, Raymond Cattell’s theory entails 16 personality factors. However, researchers continually identify weaknesses in these theories. Some of the theories’ comments are that some are complicated and others hold several limitations to their scope. As a result, the five factor theory emerges for serving as a building block of personalities. The theory outlines major personality dimensions. These are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Each personality dimension represents a range between two extremes. Additionally, the dimensions’ aid in comprehending the relationship between intelligence and personality.

Read more on examining the major personality dimensions at


The relationship between intelligence and personality is both theoretical and practical. The study of these two subjects is significant in predicting certain things, such as job performance. Moreover, it is crucial in the development of psychological theories for understanding human nature. One of the methods of achieving the building of these theories is through deriving and testing trait taxonomies. The trait taxonomies describe crucial areas of intelligence and personality. For example, major personality dimensions aid in conceptualizing the taxonomies focusing on personality traits. When it comes to intelligence, contemporary models define it as hierarchical and multidimensional. Therefore, this contrasts with the notion of intelligence being simple and unidimensional.

Read more on the relationship between intelligence and personality at

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