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There is debate on faith and reason relationship in the catholic intellectual tradition among philosophers and theologians. If all truth has its source in God, then one thing we know to be sure is that if there is a contradiction.  The contradiction is in the interpretation of Scripture and an interpretation of what God has created. Thus one or both of those interpretations is incorrect. Moreover, faith and reason compatibility contributes to conflict in the understanding of the scriptures. Therefore, Christians must recognize that the battle may be due to a misinterpretation of creation or Scripture. Christians must ensure they are dealing with the actual teaching of Scripture as opposed to a mistaken interpretation of Scripture. Faith and reason relationship in the catholic intellectual tradition needs the intervention of Christian leaders in providing clarity.

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The Catholic intellectual tradition at the heart of a Catholic university presupposes a dialectical harmony between faith and reason. The relationship between faith and reason is dynamic because both are involved in a mutual search for truth. Moreover, both faith and reason seek the reception of meaning. The inherited intellectual tradition grows at its edges by incorporating new questions and devising new answers. Furthermore, faith and reason compatibility retains some Christian doctrines of the older generation. The tradition develops its understanding of itself without rejecting what previous generations have discovered to be true and holy. Since the relationship between faith and reason is dynamic and persuasive, it motivates the creation and maintenance of schools. Moreover, it drives what schools take to be their specific or distinctive mission in higher education. Finally, faith and reason relationships in catholic intellectual tradition recognizes the dynamic nature existing between the two.

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Most religious faiths claim that their teachings alone are real and that they are correct for everyone. Christian doctrines serve as an example of teachings viewed as correct universally. Specifically, this issue contributes to faith and reason relationship conflict. This uniqueness and universality are affirmed on behalf of Christianity by the Archbishop of Canterbury. However implausible such a claim may appear, it is at least intelligible. Furthermore, many of the doctrines of the different faiths are utterly incompatible, and to pretend otherwise is fudge. The faith and reason compatibility issues need addressing to counter the divisive religious certainties. There are many serious problems attendant on multi-culturalism, but the conflict of Universalist beliefs need not be among them. As long as this element remains, trouble is in the wings. In the long run, the faith and reason relationship in catholic intellectual tradition should strive to create harmony.

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