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The monitoring of pollutants is crucial as it helps in developing sustainable methods for the control of contaminants. Many pollution monitoring investigations have the potential to generate data that may are useful in a court of law. Pollution of the environment is a scourge that puts the public at serious health risk. It is thus essential to establish good laboratory plans (GLP) to avoid large sums of litigation scrutinizing monitoring. GLP involve the utilization of standard operating procedure (SOP) in the field and the laboratory. Finally,  monitoring and control of pollutants lead to a safe environment for the public and development of contingency plans.

For more information on monitoring of pollutants, click


The control of pollutants can help in reducing the adverse effects of air pollution and the public at large. Methods of air pollution control exist in two categories. They include the inspection of particulate emissions and the control of gaseous emissions. Pollution of the environment causes adverse effects, especially with air pollution and thus the need for control methods. The methods for particulate control tend to operate on a universal principle. The solid particles separate from the gases in which they become contained by physical procedures. Lastly, the monitoring of pollutants that contaminate the air can help in developing effective control mechanisms.

For more information on the effective control of pollutants and its impact on the air environment, click


Pollution of the environment is a result of both human and industrial activities affecting the surroundings. Therefore, pollution is the process of making land, water, air, or other parts of the environment unsafe. This takes place through the introduction of a contaminant into a natural environment. However, contaminant doesn’t need to be tangible. The monitoring of pollutants helps in controlling the level of contaminants in the background. Things as simple as light, sound, and temperature become pollutants when introduced artificially into an environment. The monitoring and control of pollutants can help in dealing with environmental pollution before it goes out of hand.

For more information on the pollution of the environment and its adverse effects on the public, click
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