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Effectual human resource management involves various practices such as the development of employees. Moreover, it is the practice of hiring, recruiting, managing, and deploying the employees of an organization. It is responsible for the creation and putting into effect policies that govern workers and the relationship of the employees and the organization. Furthermore, the goal of human resource management is to effectively use employees, reduce risk, and maximize return on investment. Additionally, it seeks to achieve a competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a capable workforce. Contrarily, employee development involves activities that help in the growth of employees.


Effectual human resource management ensures that an organization recruits the right people for the right job. Furthermore, it involves advertising job postings, sourcing candidates, conducting preliminary interviews, and coordinating hiring efforts. Human resource management also helps to create and maintain a safe environment for the employees of an organization. Fundamentally, it supports workplace safety training and manages compensation issues. Additionally, it deals with the development of employees to ensure that they remain competent. It provides leadership training and professional development to employees.


The development of employees enables employees to enhance their skills and upgrade their existing knowledge to perform better. Additionally, it provides both professional and personal growth for the employees of an organization. Furthermore, employee development activities that effectual human resource management facilitate prepare individuals for adverse conditions and unforeseen situations. Employee development creates a learning culture in an organization. Consequently, this motivates employees to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge. Moreover, it helps employees to perform self-analysis on themselves to improve and evaluate their performance. Employee training makes employees self-dependent and capable of facing difficulties with ease.

Read more on the importance of the development of employees at;

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