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Primarily, to improve the engagement of students, enhancing self-confidence is crucial. There are several strategies to build a classroom with positivity, excitement, and encouragement for learning. Fundamentally, there are three types of student engagement. These include behavioural, emotional, and cognitive engagement. Behavioural engagement refers to how students behave whereas cognitive engagement focuses on the intellectual engagement of students. Moreover, higher engagement of learners increases student achievement. Furthermore, it results in higher participation of students. Active learning requires the participation of students in class. Additionally, it leads to the achievement of the learning objectives.

Read more on the engagement of students and enhancing self-confidence at;


Fundamentally, instructors should enable students to work autonomously and make them feel that they are competent to achieve the learning objectives. Moreover, they should foster intrinsic motivation to enhance self-determination. Consequentially, this promotes the engagement of students. It is important to recognize that teachers and teaching are central to engagement. Furthermore, the attributes of a teacher influence the commitment of students and their willingness to express their opinions. Enhancing self-confidence of students enables them to work harder to achieve their personal academic goals. Additionally, giving students some control over the learning process helps them to develop confidence and commitment to learning.


Enhancing self-confidence of students helps to reduce anxiety and fear in their academic and social life. Furthermore, it enables them to pursue new subjects, roles, and hobbies without worrying about how others perceive them. Building self-confidence enables students to take small steps towards their goals. Consequently, this enhances the engagement of students to meet the learning objectives. Moreover, self-confidence enables students to handle setbacks with ease. This helps them to deal with failure and learn from their mistakes. It helps students to enjoy social interaction more as they do not worry about the impression that they are making.

Read more on the importance of enhancing self-confidence at;

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