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Current trends in health care and medical insurance continuously emerge with the improvement of technology. Various governments all over the world continually invest in embracing the emerging trends in health care. These trends are possible since there are frequent innovations in the medical sector. One of the trends is the adoption of data-driven personalization. Patients are receiving treatments customized explicitly for their condition with the aid of special machines. The patients can afford the health care costs by use of insurance covers. Another trend is that currently, the medical industry is value-based.  More organizations are incorporating efficient delivery models like patient-centred medical homes. Moreover, there has been the development of major medical plans to cover medical expenses.
current trends in health care and medical plans


Access to the treatment of various illnesses tends to be relatively expensive. Health care costs continuously build if the diseases take a long time for treatment. As a result, major medical plans have been put in place to make the costs relatively affordable.  The major medical plans are health maintenance organizations (HMO), preferred provider organizations (PPO), exclusive provider organization (EPO), point-of-service plans (POS), and high-deductible plans (HDHP). These medical plans benefit society in several ways. They aid in maintaining living standards, protects societal wealth and removes social evils. Moreover, individuals can access better healthcare regardless of social class. These medical plans are also part of the emerging trends in health care.
major medical plans and their benefits to the society


Even though the health care system is improving, it is facing various challenges. The major medical plans have relatively reduced medical acquisition costs. Even so, some individuals are not able to afford them, such as street families. The first challenge is the slow adoption of information technology. Therefore, the late passage of the emerging trends in health care.  Secondly, poor accommodation of patient needs. Very few clinics can customize their treatments for different patients. Thirdly, workforce shortages whereby practitioners are overwhelmed by a large number of patients. Another challenge is inadequate funds to fund research. Moreover, there has been an increase in unforeseen health care costs due to the rise of new diseases.
Challenges facing the health care system

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