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Jesus’ place among Jewish sects in roman Judea faced a rebellion by other sects, especially the Pharisees. A sect is a group of people that though it alone possessed the truth. At the time, there were four main sects; Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Zealots. The Pharisees believed in ancestral laws and claimed to be experts understanding the Torah of Moses. Sadducees were like Pharisees but did not believe in ancestral laws and resurrection of the dead. Essenes were significantly associated with purity and had many purity rituals. Finally, Zealots were a political movement that rebelled the Roman empire and anyone who supported it. There were several roles of the temple in Roman Judea, which was considered a holy place.

Jesus’ place among Jewish sects in Roman Judea


There was a lot of controversy among the Jewish Sect. Each group perceived itself to be more righteous than the other. Jesus was born and raised in the Jewish rule and gave rise to Christianity. Additionally, Jesus’ place among the Jewish sects had importance as the Messiah sent by God to save the world. Jesus emphasized that the temple was holy per the Jewish tradition. Moreover, according to the Jewish tradition, the temple was ordained by God. The roles of the temple were majorly worship and sacrifice. Various laws guided the conducting of sacrifice offerings in the temple. Also, the temple served as a place for child dedication.

the roles of the temple in Jewish sects


The Jewish sects differed but shared common beliefs such as belief in one God and the covenant. God’s covenant comprised of commitments and duties that required adherence by both parties. God committed to protecting them while they committed to adhering to His laws. The Pharisees resisted Jesus’ place among the Jewish sects as the Messiah. Conflicts between the Pharisees and disciples of Jesus began after the death of Jesus. The conflict was a result of the disciples accepting Gentiles that were not circumcised. Moreover, that did not observe the purity code. Even though the groups conflicted from one issue to another, they recognized the roles of the temple.

 causes of conflict among Jewish groups

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