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AI-decision making and legal challenges in covid-19 tracing are issues arising during the current pandemic. The coronavirus commonly known as covid-19 is a respiratory disease, first discovered in China in 2019. There have been various impacts of covid-19 globally due to its continuous spread. It enters the body through the nose, eyes and mouth. Informed decision making is necessary to prevent further spread of the disease. In Australia, decisions in containing the virus informing are by intelligence and surveillance. Moreover, the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the government manages the response to the disease. The government and ministry experience some legal challenges during the covid-19 tracing of patients.
decision making and legal challenges in covid-19 tracing


Newly reported cases on covid-19 are on the rise daily, Australia not being an exception. To lessen the impacts of covid-19, the disease requires containment. Containing the virus is only possible through minimization of the chances of having new cases. Technological experts in Australia have developed Mobile phone tracing applications. These applications aid in contact tracing of covid-19 patients. In contrast, the government has faced legal challenges during the covid-19 tracing process. This is because the tracing application invades the right of privacy of the citizens.  As a result, the amendment of some of the rights is necessary. The ministry of health has embraced informed decision making when dealing with patients.
legal challenges when tracing covid-19 in Australia


The impacts of covid-19 in Australia range from social, political and political. Social impacts are one that affects the activity of the people and their communities. These are; deaths, stigmatization and even from the forced isolation. Political implications affect the governance of the country. The economic impacts, which are the most prevailing, have changed the income levels of the country. Many people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic due to business closures. Besides, cancellation of flights has disrupted the supply chain industry resulting in massive losses. Moreover, the labour force has decreased due to the increased death toll rate. Discussions are underway on the process of informed decision making to revive the economy after the pandemic.

the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic in Australia

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