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Counselling- the rise of domestic abuse has been prevalent in the United Kingdom. Domestic violence is a pattern of any violent behaviour in any relationship. There are many types of domestic abuse. Many a time, domestic abuse is for gaining control over the victim. Researchers have established various causes of domestic abuse. Despite that men are the common perpetrators of domestic violence, cases of “Cinderella” abuse are rising in the UK. Cinderella abuse is a form of abuse of mistreatment by a stepparent or between stepchildren. Moreover, abuse from a sibling is less likely to be reported due to fear of retaliation. Lastly, experts of therapy offer many forms of counseling for domestic abuse.
rise of domestic violence in the United Kingdom


Domestic violence against women for a long time is the most recorded in the types of domestic abuse. The abuse mostly occurs in romantic relationships, although that is not the case in other reports. The other cases are abuse among siblings, in workplaces and by parents. Causes of domestic abuse against women are as follows: gender inequality as men are considered more authoritative. Besides, some cultural and religious beliefs belittle women resulting in the vulnerability of abuse. Also, accepting and approving of violence against women is another cause. Women and any other person affected should seek counselling for domestic abuse. Extreme domestic abuse is life-threatening and might result in death.
causes of domestic abuse against women


Domestic abuse is a norm that should seize because of the life-threatening outcomes. Educating people on the topic can reduce some of the causes of domestic abuse. People should understand the dangers and the importance of upholding equality. Therefore, the types of domestic abuse are as follows: physical abuse which involves beating up the other person. Sexual abuse by coercing the other party to engage in sexual activities. Psychological abuse whereby the victim is intimidated through the invocation of fear. Cyberstalking is also classified as a form of abuse as it causes emotional distress by using social media. Some organizations have taken the initiative of providing counselling for domestic abuse. Moreover, these initiatives offer financial support to such victims.
understanding the types of domestic abuse

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