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This paper analyses contemporary social issues and the branches of sociology.  Social issues are the problems influencing society. Some of them relate to economic issues such as poverty. Contemporary social issues include the following. One, poverty and homelessness which affects over 25% of the world population. The inability of self-sustenance and lacking homes by the vulnerable community puts a lot of pressure on the government. Secondly, gender inequality, especially toward women, is a rampant problem globally. Such include, unequal pay, early marriages and gender-based violence. Additionally, issues such as abortion and certain drug legalization example bhang are very controversial contemporary issues. Therefore, the undertaking of sensitization on the importance of sociology is crucial in reducing social problems.
 contemporary social issues and branches of sociology


Sociology is a very broad discipline. The branches of sociology are several and are divide in the following. One, theoretical sociology studies micro, medium and large theories such as Karl Marxism. Secondly, historical sociology studies the backgrounds of any social events. Example of these events includes the history of Hinduism and Greek. Thirdly, criminology is a branch of sociology that studies group or individual behaviours. Various contemporary social issues are arising from these different sociology branches. Additionally, political sociology is another branch. It analyses the political groups in society, including their origin and functions. Therefore, understanding the importance of sociology in society is an important aspect.
examining the branches if sociology in today’s world


This section analyses the importance of sociology in today’s society.  Sociology is studied scientifically in social institutions. There is a lot of progress in the development of social and welfare for purposes attaining social growth. First, an individual must comprehend the branches of sociology before understanding its importance. One importance of sociology is that it leads to the formulation of policies that guide all societal activities. Secondly, sociology holds the ability to solve the most critical problems in society. It, therefore, addresses the contemporary social issues presents globally. Additionally, sociology studies various social institutions and their relation to humans. As a result, improving the productivity levels of the institutions.
 importance of sociology in society

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