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Health care coordination involves important aspects that help in bringing together providers of health care services to ensure maximum satisfaction of patient’s needs. This process not only improves patients’ experience but also improves patients’ health outcomes and reduces cost. For the sake of improving a patient’s recovery, the process involves effective and timely communication between the care team that will build trust between them. Besides the provision of medication to the patients, care coordination is also an important aspect that should be practiced in hospitals.
 important aspects relating to care coordination


For better health outcomes, a few important practices should be put in place. Hospital management should ensure daily interdisciplinary health care coordination rounds are held keeps the patient in track of their health records. These rounds help to establish any concerns from the patients or their families regarding the patients’ health outcome.  Incorporation of case management staff is also a good practice in this process. This service provides an opportunity to assess the patient’s medical necessities therefore improving patient’s recovery and reducing hospital stay. Also, provision of the patient with clear and simple information about their health should be incorporated.
important practices for better health outcome


Improved patient recovery in care coordination involves incorporating better strategies. Health care coordination should deliberately focus on improving patient’s recovery other than the number of new enrollments. It should also provide an opportunity to follow up on the patients’ health outcomes and provide them with the opportunity to give feedback on how they are recovering. Improved patient recovery greatly depends on access to these services. They should, therefore, be allowed to easily access a range of health care services and providers.
 strategies for improved patient recovery in care coordination

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