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The concepts of community and strategies for community development are crucial elements in the improvement of various communities; the definition of a community varies among different individuals. Four perspectives are giving a better view if the community. One is systems perspective relates a community to a living organism. It associates it with many sectors, each having its specific function. Secondly, the social perspective links to societal and political networks. Therefore, raising the role of leadership in the community. Additionally, a virtual perspective brings out the geographical aspect and location of the place. Moreover, an individual perspective is another element. It represents an individual’s sense of belonging is given community.
concepts of community and strategies of community development


The concept of community entails a social perspective of leadership. It is essential for understanding people’s behaviors and attitudes in the community. Also, for planning for the political structure. Identification of leaders is possible, and high-risk social groups are also possible. As a result, the role of leadership in the community is strengthened. Change is crucial in the community for different reasons. For example, getting rid of vices such as drug abuse, economic development, and political development. Some of the strategies for community development include the following. Creating awareness, enhancing individual skills in the community, providing support, and empowering individuals to access job opportunities. Moreover, introducing incentives for growth, making environmental changes, and modifying existing policies.
strategies for creating effective community development


This section gives a better understanding of the roles of leadership in the community. According to various leadership theories, leadership is either inborn or through learning. In the community, leaders are responsible for nurturing relationships among community members, initiating development activities, and fairly ruling. The performance of the following facilitates these roles. One, planning community activities such as get together. Secondly, becoming an empathetic listener to the member’s grievances. Also, leaders need to ask questions for a better understanding of the members of the communities. Moreover, implementation of the strategies of community development by leaders is an equally crucial element.
 understanding the role of leadership in the community

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