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This paper looks into multiple sclerosis diseases and the central nervous system. Multiple sclerosis is a disabling disease that affects the brain and the central nervous system. It attacks the protective sheath of the nerve fibers causing communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. It eventually causes permanent damage of nerves. The central nervous system controls most body functions. It consists of the brain and the spinal cord. This system interprets information from all parts of the body where the spinal cord acts as a highway for communication between the body and the brain. Disruption of this system causes disability due to disrupted information exchange.
 multiple sclerosis disease and the central nervous system 


The symptoms of multiple sclerosis disease are as follows. Numbness and weakness of the limbs which mostly occurs on one side of the body at a time. A person can feel an electric shock sensation that typically occurs during certain movements. This is common when bending the neck forward and it is called the Lhermitte sign of the central nervous system. An individual also has occasional tremors and lack of coordination or unsteady gait caused by damage of nerves. Vision problems are also experienced like, partial or complete loss of vision. This often occurs in one eye at a time with pain during eye movement. A person also experiences a prolonged double vision and blurry vision. Other symptoms include slurred speech, fatigue, dizziness, problems with sexual, bladder and bowel function, and tingling or pain in parts of the body.
 symptoms of multiple sclerosis disease


The central nervous system consists of three specialized cells. The neurons which are the nerves from the main part of the CNS. They are long projections that relay information on pressure, stretching, pain, and temperature form the organs to the brain and vice versa. The destruction of these neurons causes multiple sclerosis disease. The astrocytes support this system by breakage of harmful substances. Oligodendrocytes produce a protein sheath that protects the neurons and helps to spread the impulse they carry. Destruction of this sheath causes the damage of nerves which results in multiple sclerosis. The main function of the nervous systems is to control the body’s voluntary and involuntary functions by the exchange of information between the brain and the spinal cord.
 components and functions of the central nervous system

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