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This assignment evaluates the concept of war as a result of human nature. There is a close relationship between human nature and war. It makes more sense to see war as having some genetic basis, but as a collective phenomenon as opposed to an individual one, one in which social context makes all the difference between what is potential and what is extant. There are three theories of the causes of war. The first one suggests that war is rational under many, if not most, circumstances. The second one indicates that war is hardwired into us genetically. The third argues that war is just collective human stupidity run amok. These theories originate from examining the history of wars in the world.
For more information on the concept of war as the result of human nature,


This theory implies that there is a relationship between human nature and war. Realistic Conflict Theory (RCT) is a social model that attempts to explain the direction of prejudice, negative stereotypes, and discrimination towards members of other social groups. The causes of war result from varying socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and different lifestyles that separate people into different groups. When two or more groups are competing over limited resources, prejudicial feelings, and negative stereotypes can develop. The history of wars in the world provides more insight into the concept of war as a result of human nature.
For more information on the realistic conflict theory,



Previous studies have found an association between increased cooperation and exposure to inter-group violence as the primary causes of war. Reductions in all types of cooperation results from conflict. Models of cultural group selection depend on competition between groups for traits that favour the group to evolve, in which groups compete over access to resources such as food, mates, or territory. Therefore, this proves that there is a relationship between human nature and war. Social group traits that provide an advantage to groups in conflict, such as altruism, will increase at the expense of other cultural characteristics that do not, eventually leading to group extinction through conquest and assimilation. This information, which originates from the history of wars in the world, views the concept of war as the result of human nature.
For more information on intergroup conflict and cooperation

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