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Cold War Civil Rights by Mary Dudziak

W‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌hat is the author’s thesis or central argument regarding cold war civil rights?. Mary, a Professor of law, interprets the rampant civil wars as a Cold War. The central argument being the effect that this has on Americans Civil Rights. Before the policymakers took the issue of racial discrimination seriously, black Americans were fearful of speaking out on the same.

For more information on the perception of Mary Dudziak regarding the larger effect of the Cold War Civil Rights 

Arguments on Cold War Civil Rights

Mary Dudziak’s other arguments focus on the attention and the role that diplomats played regarding the spread of communism. The author does provide sufficient evidence for her arguments. One such instance is, as the cold war took center stage, there was a harsh international response. This is because American policymakers were caught off guard as a result of racial discrimination. During this period, there was a significant concern by the Black population on their position in the US administration.

strengths and weakness regarding the arguments

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence? One significant advantage is the involvement of the policymaker’s concerns in her debates. Although she focuses on policymaker’s ideas, she seems to ignore other races on the issue of discrimination. And, finally, did this convince you? The arguments presented by Mary Dudziak are convincing. For instance, The mistreatment that Black Americans were subjected to after the lines between American and Soviet Union during the Cold war.

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