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Battered woman syndrome explains the experiences of women that result from the battering. The effects of battering women range from physical injury to intense psychological issues. Women’s experience and response to battering vary depending on the individual. The pattern, onset, duration, and severity of abuse also determines how the individual responds. Women exposed to battering show common reactions.  Some of the traumatic Disorders associated with BWS include post-traumatic stress disorder. Therefore BWS and PSTD are directly related.

For more information on battered woman syndrome visit

Application of Battered Woman Syndrome in the field of forensic psychology

The term BWS is commonly used in forensic psychology to explain Women’s experience and response to battering. For instance, a woman can claim that she committed a particular criminal offense in self-defense after realizing her life was in danger. Most defense lawyers use this argument in an attempt to downgrade a first-degree murder charge. They can also argue that the murder was a result of the traumatic Disorders associated with Battered woman syndrome. The main objective of the defense team is to present evidence showing that the woman saw herself in imminent danger. They can also use Physical injury, one of the effects of buttering women, to show that the threat was real.

For more information on the application of Battered Woman Syndrome in forensic Psychology visit 

Difference between battered woman syndrome and PTSD

Battered Woman Disorder is a subcategory of PTSD. However, these two disorders differ in several ways. One, PTSD may develop in response to several traumatic events. These events are severe accidents, military action, and interpersonal violence. One of the disorders associated with BWS is PSTD. Contrary to this, Battered woman syndrome only develops in response to domestic violence. It results from Women’s experience and response to battering. Secondly, those at risk of PTSD include those who suffered from the traumatic event, perpetrators and witnesses. In the case of WBS, only the woman risks the infection. Therefore, BWS is one of the direct effects of buttering women.

For more information on differences between BWS and PTSD  visit 

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