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Management in organizations requires the various attributes of leadership. These attributes refer to the inner and personal qualities that a person has which constitute effective leadership. Also, these attributes include an array of characteristics like vision, values, motives habits, norms, and skills that a leader has. Management in an organization includes the people who design an organization’s structure. They also determine how the various aspects of the organization interact to bring about the success of a business. Additionally, different levels of management participate in different components within the company. With this, the upper management is responsible for the company’s architecture and structure.

Read more on the attributes of leadership and management in organizations at;


Management in organizations is important since it helps in the optimum utilization of resources, therefore, reducing the wastage of both physical and human resources. It also helps in the establishment of a sound organization since there is smooth coordination of functions. This, therefore, helps the company to achieve its goals. Additionally, it helps in the achievement of an established equilibrium. With the help of the attributes of leadership, it, thus, enables an organization to survive the changing environment. Moreover, it is essential for the prosperity of society. This is because efficient management leads to better economic productivity thus increasing the welfare of people.

Read more on the importance of management in organizations at;


The five major attributes of leadership are as follows. Firstly, integrity encourages honesty from the leader since it helps in charting the organization’s course and decision-making. Secondly, there is the ability to delegate. A leader should have the power to delegate tasks among the employees. This ensures effective management in organizations since it facilitates teamwork and provides autonomy. Thirdly, there is communication, in this element, leaders should be skilled communicators and they should have a variety of ways to pass information. There is also self-awareness in which a leader should understand themselves, therefore, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, leaders need to have respect. This helps to reduce conflict and tension within an organization.

Read more on the five major attributes of leadership at;

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