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Culture in sociology helps to enhance diversity in the workplace. Culture refers to the languages, customs, rules beliefs, and arts of a social group. It also refers to the collective identities and memories that members of all social groups develop thus making their social environment meaningful. The meaningfulness of culture is displayed through the practices, tastes, values, and norms of a group. Diversity on the other hand encompasses race, gender, ethnic groups, age, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship status as well s other distinct difference between the people. It, therefore, refers to the variety of differences between individuals in an organization.

Read more on culture in sociology and diversity in the workplace at;


Diversity in the workplace is beneficial since it helps an organization to understand a target demographics better hence they get to know what moves them. Secondly, it increases customer satisfaction since it improves how employees interact with a more diverse clientele and the public. Thirdly, with the help of culture in sociology, an organization can expand and improve operations in international, national, regional, and local markets. Also, employees from diverse backgrounds imbue the organization with new and creative ideas from their cultural experiences. Lastly, diversity allows for the organization to have a larger pool of applicants for jobs hence they find more qualified candidates.

Read more on the benefits of diversity in the workplace at;


Culture in sociology encompasses various elements. First, there are the symbols that form a representation of something else that evokes both reactions and emotions. Secondly, there is language which refers to how people speak and understand one another. Having a common language helps to enhance diversity in the workplace since there is a basis for understanding. Thirdly, there are the norms. These refer to both formal and informal roles regarding the kinds of behavior that a culture accepts. There are also rituals that refer to the established procedures and ceremonies that often mark the transition from one life3 course to the other. Lastly, there are the values that involve judgments of what is good or bad for the people of a society.

Read more on the elements of culture in sociology at;

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