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African American abolitionists in early women’s history include Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. Many other black women made significant contributions to the abolitionist movement, too. But the collective efforts of black women got largely ignored until scholarship in the late 20th century. Though some black women abolitionists came from comfortable middle-class families, many others were working-class women. The working-class women were, however, regulated to the poorly paid jobs of laundress and domestic. Not surprisingly, both the white and the black women saw things differently than the men. The Forten family and Sarah Douglass were freeborn, but many African American abolitionists in early women’s history were former slaves.
For more information on African American abolitionists, click
African American abolitionists in early women’s history were influential in the women’s rights movement. Individuals expressed their dissatisfaction with the social role of women during the first years of the United States. During that time, however, a more widespread effort supporting women’s rights began to emerge in the 1830s. Women and men joined the antislavery movement to free enslaved Africans. While men led antislavery organizations and lectured, women were not allowed to hold these positions. Women got mocked when they defied the rules and spoke out against slavery in public. In contrast, in the late 1830s, abolitionists still began to advocate for women during the early women’s history.  
For more information on the early women history and women’s rights movement emergence, click
African American abolitionists in early women’s history were considered by many to be scandalous. Abolitionist was the word used in the 19th century for those who abolished the institution of slavery. Women were quite active in the abolitionist movement, which was a time when women were, in general, not publicly active. The presence of women in the abolitionist movement got considered by society as scandalous because of the issue itself. Also, women’s company was outrageous because of the dominant expectation for women in the domestic. Nevertheless, the abolitionist movement during early women’s history attracted quite a few women to its active ranks.
For more information on how African American abolitionists fought enslavement, click

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