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There are several studies on Prenatal and perinatal factors in eating disorders risks. Numerous studies showed that factors influencing fetal development could lead to lasting alterations in the offspring’s brain. The alterations therefore, could increase the risk of eating disorders. Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses characterized by unknown etiology, with many putative risk factors. Genetic risk factors are of great importance, with genes impacting the development of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Several studies show there is a link between prenatal and perinatal complications. Notwithstanding maternal stress, during pregnancy and preterm birth, the body may develop EDs. Prenatal and perinatal factors in eating disorders risks include higher maternal age.


Several studies on Prenatal and perinatal factors are proof of its effect on eating disorders risks. Numerous studies showed that factors influencing fetal development and neonatal period could lead to lasting alterations in children’s brain. The alteration could, in turn, increase the risk of eating disorders among children. Therefore, the research aims to find links between prenatal and perinatal factors with the onset of EDs in offspring. The factors concluded include higher maternal age, preeclampsia, eclampsia, multiparity, hypoxic complications, prematurity, or birth preterm. BN only got associated with maternal stress during pregnancy, which led to eating disorders risks affecting the unborn child.


Researchers have uncovered several prenatal factors associated with later psychosis onset. According to Fusar, psychosis originates early in life, and early detection is the most promising way to prevent it. Prospective studies conducted since 2002 have shown long-term consequences of both hazards on exposed infants. Umbrella reviews established that numerous risk factors cause psychosis. Additionally, prenatal and perinatal risk factors cause a range of neurological and cognitive abnormalities and other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. Further, neuroimaging studies revealed that when exposed infants reached adulthood, they exhibited an excess of brain structural and dopaminergic abnormalities. Improving the number of antenatal care visits could reduce eating disorder risks.

prenatal factors linked to eating disorders risks

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