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The administrative management theory and the principles of management are vital aspects of gaining a competitive business edge. The administrative management theory focuses on designing an organization’s management structure for efficiency and effectiveness. Notably, Henri Fayol, a Frenchman born in 1841, developed the concept. He believed in focusing more emphasis on organizational management and human and behavioral factors. Moreover, he laid down 14 Principles of management, which he deemed vital for any organizational framework. The chief aim of management principles was to serve as a guideline for decision-making and management actions. Also, Fayol explored the primary functions of management, which go hand in hand with the principles. Subsequently, they include planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. In conclusion, administrative management theory is one of the most comprehensive and of significant influence on modern management theory.

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The administrative management theory is a relevant guide to productively managing personnel. There are several core components of the management theory. They include utilizing a formalized organizational structure, a clear division of labor, and delegation of power and authority. Principles of management provide an understanding of the management process and assist in identifying the areas that require improvements. Thus, they improve managers understanding of how to manage an organization. The functions of management include planning, the determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Secondly, organizing entails providing resources for the achievement of organizational goals. Thirdly, staffing is the effective selection, appraisal & development of the company’s personnel. Also, directing entails the actuation of the organizational methods for the achievement of company purposes. Lastly, controlling implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviations if necessary.

Read more on the administrative management theory and functions of management at


The principles of management include division of work, which implies specialization is necessary for efficient labor utilization. Secondly, the authority and responsibility principle entails a combination of official authority and accountability. Thirdly, Fayol declares that discipline to be upheld at all levels of the organization. Fourthly, the unity of command principle states that an employee should receive orders from one superior only. Lastly, the unity of direction implies that a group of activities with similar objectives must have one head and plan. Thus, it is inarguable that the administrative management theory fosters overall organizational development and improvement. Additionally, other principles are the remuneration of personnel, scalar chain, centralization, and order, and equity, initiative, and esprit de corps. In conclusion, to effectively perform the functions of management, employers should have a thorough understanding of management principles.

Read more on the concepts and types of the principles of management at  

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