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Marketers should understand the types of consumer behavior and consumer behavior influencers to gain a market niche. Consumer behavior refers to the actions of the customers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions. Consumer behavior is not static. For instance, consumer behavior influencers are factors affecting purchasing behavior. They include personal, psychological, social, marketing, and cultural factors. All consumers do not behave in the same manner. Therefore, there are four types of consumer behavior due to individual factors. They include complex, dissonance, and variety-seeking buying behaviors. Customer behavior patterns are collective outlines that offer marketers a unique characterization. In conclusion, the knowledge of consumer behavior enables managers to identify a market gap and apply appropriate marketing decisions.

Read more on the types of consumer behavior and consumer behavior influencers at


There are several consumer behavior influencers. First, marketing factors include the components of the market mix that directly or indirectly impact consumer buying decisions. These factors include product design, price, promotion, packaging, positioning, and dis­tribution. Secondly, personal influencers such as age, gender, education, and income level may affect consumer buying patterns. Thirdly, psychological factors include buying motives, attitudes, and perceptions of the product. Fourthly, situational factors constitute physical and social surroundings at the time of purchase and time elements. Fifthly, social factors such as social status, reference groups, and family can influence consumers’ behavior. Lastly, Cultural factors, such as religion and social classes, impact consumer buying behavior. In conclusion, marketers need to study the various factors that influence the types of consumer behavior.

Read more on the conditions and factors influencing consumer behavior at


There are four primary types of consumer behavior. Notably, the latter behaviors defer in terms of customer involvement. They include dissonance customer behavior involving high consumer involvement and little knowledge of brand differences. Secondly, habitual purchasing behavior constitutes little customer involvement in the product’s brand category. Thirdly, complex buying behavior constitutes high customer involvement and research before purchase. Lastly, variety-seeking behavior involves the purchase of a different product based on preference. Each customer has unique buying habits. Alternatively, customer behavior patterns are collective and similar to most consumers. They include the place of purchase, items purchased, time and frequency of purchase, and method of payment. In conclusion, marketers should understand consumer behavior influencers to increase their sales.

Read more on the types of consumer behavior and customer behavior patterns at

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