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This article shows various ways of how to identify bad leaders by analyzing different perspectives on bad leadership styles. I worked with Galvin (not real name), who was a bad leader. In my time of working with him, he used bad leadership approaches with a dictatorial leadership style. One could realize that he was a lousy leader based on various perspectives, such as bad social influence. Eventually, the organization realized that his influence of bad leadership traits would sink the organization. Lastly, he portrayed a lack of focus, vision, and was always in a comfort zone.

For more information on analyzing different perspectives on bad leadership styles, visit


From an ethical standpoint, it is quite simple to identify bad leadership approaches. For a leader like Galvin, his traits showed that he was a bad leader. He did not understand the advantages of relational leadership. Additionally, this added to his negative influence on bad leadership traits. By being ethical, leaders can motivate other employees towards achieving organizational goals. Galvin rarely motivated his subordinates. Group motivation is especially important for teams that work together. Employers have to know how to identify bad leaders by analyzing different perspectives on bad leadership styles. This way, they can make better and more informed decisions before hiring.
For more information on motivation and ethical perspectives of bad leaders, visit 


This section explains how to identify bad leaders through power and social influence. Bad leaders abuse power and the influence that comes with it. They are unable to use their positional advantages to influence others positively. The influence of bad leadership may spread across a department or even the entire organization. One can also identify bad leaders based on his perception of the leader. However, it is not clear on exactly how to identify bad leaders because personal feelings and perceptions differ from one person to another.

For one to make better judgments, they must learn on analyzing different perspectives on bad leadership styles.
For more information on power and social influence, and personal perspectives, visit 

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