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Over the years, state funding and support for higher education continue to decrease. This research paper looks into the history of higher education funding. The information gathered will help to improve the sorry state of funding for higher education. Financial challenges faced by state governments translate into reduced state investment in higher education. Families now face the burden of paying for higher education through loans and not grants. Most people are also struggling with rising costs of living that exceed the growth in their incomes. Therefore, the state must find alternative funding sources for higher education. This means changing some policy about funding for higher education.

For more information on state funding and support for higher education, visit 


Federal funding is one of the funding sources for higher education. The federal government mainly provides financial assistance to individual students and specific research projects. Historically, states provided a far greater share of aid to postsecondary institutions and students than the federal government did. However, the history of higher education funding changed after the Great Recession. General policy shifted over time from reliance on grants to a reliance on loans. The recession resulted in reduced and converged spending across levels of government. State investment in higher education, as well as other sectors, declined. Therefore, Federal grants continue to improve state funding and support for higher education.

For more information on federal grants for higher education institutions, visit 


The history of higher education funding continues to change due to budget cuts. State funding and support for higher education are deteriorating over time. These cuts have negatively impacted the quality of public higher education across the country. This forces individuals and institutions to look for other funding sources for higher education. Many students have to drop out of courses they need to complete to graduate. Schools have also started to eliminate entire degree programs. Un-televised activities such as band, skiing, swimming, and tennis are also disappearing rapidly. Lastly,  the government needs to improve policies on state investment in higher education.
For more information on state budget cuts to higher education, visit 

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