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Florida remembers the battle of Olustee through the historic Olustee Battlefield state park. Gen. Truman Seymour moved his 5,500-man force from Jacksonville deep into the state, meeting little resistance. Therefore,the battle of Olustee was one of the ongoing civil war battles that were ongoing in the U.S. On February 20, as he advanced toward Lake City, he approached Brig. Gen. Joseph Finegan’s 5,000 Confederates. They faced off in an open pine woods near Olustee. Additionally, Finegan sent forward one infantry brigade to meet Seymour’s advance units. The Union forces attacked but were no match. Finally, the Battle of Olustee reenactment takes place in the historic Olustee Battlefield state park annually.

For more information on the Battle of Olustee, click


Civil war battles broke out with northern American states fighting with the southern states. In February 1864, the Union launched what would be the war’s most significant military campaign in Florida. Also, the campaign’s mission was to interrupt the supply of cattle and goods from the state destined for Confederate armies. Besides, the battle of Olustee served to add more escaped and freed slaves to the ranks of the Army. The northeast Florida campaign of 1864 consisted of some 7,000 Union troops, including three black regiments. Lastly, the battle of Olustee and historic Olustee Battlefield serve as a reminder of the civil war chaos in Florida.

For more information on the civil war battles and the battle of Olustee, click


On February 20, 1864, Florida’s largest Civil War battle took place in a pine forest in North Central Florida. The Historic Olustee Battlefield State Park commemorates the five-hour-long fight that resulted in 2,807 casualties. The park also commemorates the retreat of Union forces. The park celebrates the solidification of Confederate power in western Florida. The most famous regiment to participate in the civil war battles was the 54th Massachusetts. Also, t was one of the first and most famous of the African-American regiments formed by the United States. In 1912, Olustee became Florida’s first designated historic site and today draws large crowds to its annual reenactment. Finally, memory of the Battle of Olustee lives on through the historic Olustee Battlefield state park.

For more information on the historic Olustee Battlefield and archaeological findings of the site, click

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