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This essay discusses the women’s rights movement and gender inequality in the U.S.; we can attribute most of the success of women’s activism to the first and second waves of feminism. The first state to grant women the right to own property was Mississippi, in 1839. However, women could only own property with permission from their husbands. We can still observe gender inequality in the U.S. This means that we still have a long way to go in solving this issue. The first wave of feminism was fairly successful. In 1848, more than 300 people signed the Declaration of Sentiments. This was a plea for the end of discrimination against women. Susanna Medora Salter achieved a significant milestone in women’s history in America. She became the first female elected mayor in 1887.
 women’s rights movement and gender inequality in the U.S.


Women’s history in America should be a motivating factor to end the discrimination against women all over the world. Somehow, “feminism” remains a controversial word. Feminists make efforts to fight for equal rights no matter one’s gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Hence, women’s rights movement mainly focuses on the issue of the gender pay gap. Although the gap is narrowing, women still receive lower pay for working the same hours as men. For black or Hispanic women in the USA, the pay gap is worse. We can also find aspects of gender inequality in the U.S. in government, media, and the executive suite.
gender inequality and the feminist movement


When we look back at women’s history in America, we find that women generally enjoy fewer legal rights compared to men. In the past, society regarded motherhood and wifehood as the most significant professions for women. Nowadays, things are much different. This goes to emphasize the great role played by the women’s rights movement. Women fought hard to replace traditional views about women and their role in society. However, many individuals and societies still hold these traditional views of viewing women as the lesser sex. Thus, this makes it hard to completely see women as equal to men in society. We need to adjust some of these perspectives to end gender inequality in the U.S.
understanding women’s history in America

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