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This essay discusses weight cutting in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Many MMA fighters agree that cutting weight before a fight is worse than actually training for the match. Cutting around 5-10 kilos is the average for a professional fighter. There are several techniques to cut weight for fighters to be at the peak of strength for their chosen weight class. Fighters consider cutting weight as a skill in itself. MMA fighters must make weight by a specific time (weigh-ins), and failure to do so would prevent them from competing. The process of cutting weight is sometimes too painful and may have adverse effects.
Read more of weight cutting in MMA at


Weight cutting in MMA could affect a fighter not only physically but mentally as well. Being dehydrated could take a toll on one’s training, making you feel weak and tired. An elevated heart rate increased blood pressure, and increased risk of injury are also some of the risks associated with weight cutting. One must carefully follow the process of cutting weight without overdoing it. If a fighter isn’t careful, he or she could even be at serious risk of organ failure. Fighters should undertake weight cutting under the supervision of a coach or nutritionist. This way, they can use the best techniques to cut weight.
Read more of the downside of weight cutting at


Fighters undertake weight cutting in MMA in preparation for competition. It is also essential to understand the influence of cutting weight on performance. There are several studies correlating weight manipulation strategies to competitive outcomes in boxing. They report that more significant weight loss and regain to improve do not influence competitive success. These studies take into account the various techniques to cut weight. It appears that losing larger magnitudes (>3% body mass) rapidly using thermal strain, fighters impair high-intensity exercise performance. However, losing a similar magnitude of weight over multiple days using a precise process of cutting weight does not have negative effects on performance.
Read more of weight cutting and performance at

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