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The essay will cover unmanned aerial systems purposes and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) development in the US military bases. Notably, from 2006 the Department of Defense (DOD) has set specific and stringent guidelines on the use of UAS. The DoD mainly operates domestically upon request from federal or civilian authorities. Primarily, the main purpose of DoD domestic operations is to increase training experience and test equipment for war missions. An extensive experience ensures that the DoD adheres to aviation safety policies on crewless aircraft. There are various unmanned aerial systems purposes supported by the increased unmanned aerial systems development initiatives.

unmanned aerial systems purposes


The unmanned aerial system consists of one or many unmanned aerial vehicles that mainly have the same model. Moreover, it consists of a ground control system, a sensory array onboard the vehicle, and a communication terminal. Notably, the biggest challenge of the unmanned aerial system is the sensor array and data link. Examples of the crewless vehicles and their system include the Predator, Raven, and Shadow. Crewless aerial vehicles in the US military have the potential to improve intelligence on the battlefield. One of the main unmanned aerial systems purposes is to increase efficiency in the war missions and limit human casualties.

 unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial systems purposes


The unmanned aerial systems development has led to improved battlefield tactics over the years and within the US military. The use of UAS in the US military has rapidly developed since its inception in the early 1990s. Mainly, it utilized satellite communications and GNSS navigation in operating UAVs over long distances from their controllers. However, the first use of UAVs was in 1935, whereby the British used the DH82 Tiger Moth. The UAVs got used for gunnery target practice and flown using radio control by the NAVY and the RAF. The essay will highlight various unmanned aerial systems’ purposes and unmanned aerial systems development.

 unmanned aerial systems development and UAS history

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