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The essay will discuss the issues in Australian Indigenous people’s representation and Australian indigenous rights. Mainly, there is a significant imbalance in the representation of of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia in parliament. The indigenous people in Australia make up for 2.5% of the Australian population. Notably, there is lack of indigenous representatives in the Australian federal parliament. The high numbers of Indigenous members in contemporary state and territory parliaments highlight the absence. Importantly, there is need for a treaty that defines the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Recognition of Australian Indigenous people representation and Australian indigenous rights is necessary in establishing fair representation.

For more information on Australian Indigenous people representation and Australian indigenous rights, click


The United Nations provides guidelines that enable the effective participation of indigenous people in a country. Mainly, an effective management approach allows for indigenous people to actively participate in decision making during a problem. Moreover, the participation of indigenous people continues during the development of policies and evaluation of outcomes. Engagement takes place with an understanding of the historical, cultural, and social complexity of indigenous contexts. Moreover, it requires a true attempt to share power in mutually fostering relationships. Adequate government arrangements and capacity between it and indigenous communities is necessary in negotiations. The article highlights the Australian Indigenous people representation and Australian indigenous rights.

For more information on the participation of indigenous people and Australian Indigenous people representation, click


There is slow progress in Australian indigenous rights and no one seems to care. Mainly, issues related to indigenous people in Australia make up part of the main conversation in Australia. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders make up three percent of the population in Australia. However, they make up part of the daily discourse since the media reports of territorial rights demands and police violence. There are various factors holding back the progress of indigenous rights and one is the contemporary rights of the land. Notably, indigenous people need to prove claims to the land they claim they own.   The essay will help in understanding Australian Indigenous people’s representation and Australian indigenous rights.

Australian indigenous rights and slow progress in indigenous rights

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