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This essay discusses the current state of play for Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). There are various researches undertaken to guide nursing practitioners in their professions. This includes guide development, updating, reporting, tailoring for specific purposes, implementation, and evaluation. Evaluating clinical practice guidelines helps to improve them for better service delivery. Nowadays, CPGs require sophisticated methodologies and implementation strategies which necessitates their evaluation. Also, by implementing effective clinical care protocols, we can improve the quality of care, decrease variations in clinical practice, and reduce costly and preventable mistakes and adverse events. Lastly,  evidence-informed recommendations form the basis for identifying core outcomes and measurable standards of care.
Read more of understanding clinical practice guidelines at


This section discusses the cycle of evaluating clinical practice guidelines. It involves a framework for organizing and making decisions about which high-quality guidelines to adopt. Firstly, clinical professionals identify areas to promote best practices. Later they establish the clinical care protocols to implement, including a guideline appraisal process. For this to happen, therefore, they require a group to ensure a reduced potential for bias in the evaluation process. It also increases the awareness of guidelines and opportunities for group members to develop ownership of the resulting decisions. Lastly, assessing Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) involves appraising the quality of the guideline and determining recommendations and their contents.
Read more of practice guidelines evaluation and adaptation cycle at 


Clinical care protocols are agreed frameworks outlining the care provided to patients in a designated area of practice. A good example is vision of health screening for people with diabetes. These protocols do not explain how to perform procedures. These are part of the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). An example is where guidelines provide recommendations to health care professionals about prevention, screening, treatment, and management of diabetic conditions. In the nursing profession, there is always a need for evaluating clinical practice guidelines. Therefore, Protocols explain the reason, place, and the person to provide the care. Generally, clinical guidelines and care protocols provide information, based on an appraisal of the current best evidence of clinical and cost-effectiveness for particular conditions.
Read more of clinical guidelines and care protocols at 

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