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The future of America’s contest with China for the next superpower is quite uncertain. Members of the Trump Administration continuously take direct aim at China’s ambitions. China’s recent rise in global trading shows the potential of China as an emerging superpower. The country wants to be the dominant economic and military power of the world. However, replacing the USA as a superpower will be challenging for China. Internationally, the U.S. is at the forefront of dictating values and social norms. Potential superpower states will have to work hard to replace the widely accepted global cultures. Trump’s administration is working very hard at strategies to ensure China will not have a place as the next superpower.
Read more of the future of America’s contest with China at


China is first in place among the potential superpower states. The most convincing reason is that China embraces globalization. China seeks to penetrate as a superpower by forming trade agreements with African countries. Their recent growth in international trade means they could be the next superpower. China is also the world’s top exporting and trading country. In 2018, they exported $479.97 billion worth of goods into the U.S. The US is China’s leading trading partner, receiving 19.2% of all Chinese imports. With China providing cheap labor for U.S. manufacturing firms, we can already envision China as an emerging superpower. China could opt to produce its products at an even cheaper cost, meaning the U.S. firms will have to spend more on labor.
Read more of China as the U.S. replacement as a superpower at 


With China as an emerging superpower, other potential world superpowers will grow in their places as well. A world superpower is a state or a political and economic entity predicted to be or be in the process of becoming a superpower at some point in the 21st century. Potential superpower states include the Federative Republic of Brazil, People’s Republic of China, European Union, Republic of India, and the Russian Federation. Some analysts predict that Brazil could be Latin America’s first superpower. China presents the most promising all-round profile of the next superpower. This is especially because of its expanding share of trade in its Gross Domestic Product.
Read more of potential world superpowers at 

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