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Similar to other types of stress, managing anticipatory stress requires a lot of effort from an individual. Primarily, stress arises when a person tries to think about and process more than they have the capacity. Moreover, understanding stress is the first step in overcoming it. Albrecht`s four types of stress help to understand the stress that a person is dealing with. Additionally, it determines the best practice for dealing with it. Most people experience some degree of stress in their jobs or at home. Understanding the common types of stress may help to spot them and manage them effectively. Consequently, this results in more productivity and healthier life.


The common types of stress include time stress, anticipatory stress, situational stress, and encounter stress. Time stress arises when an individual worries about several things that they need to do. Resultantly, they fear that they may fail to achieve something essential. The best practice to manage time stress is learning good time management skills. Similarly, anticipatory stress occurs when a person experiences concern about the future. This may include worrying about something that will go wrong. Fundamentally, using positive visualization techniques helps in managing anticipatory stress. It involves imagining the situation going right.

Read more on the four common types of stress at;


When managing anticipatory stress, recognizing that the event does not have to play out as one imagines is crucial. Additionally, meditation helps in the management of several types of stress. It helps an individual to develop focus and the ability to concentrate on what is happening at the moment rather than the future. Moreover, it may be the best practice to manage anticipatory stress if a person spends a significant amount of time daily meditating. Furthermore, addressing personal fear directly may help to lower stress.

Read more on the methods of managing anticipatory stress at;

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